Health And Fitness

Words on Wellness, May Edition

The May edition of the Words on Wellness (WOW) newsletter features: ·         Gardening: Top 10 Vegetables to Grow and Eat for Health ·         Recipe for Summer Bounty Salad ·        

Community discussion on drugs, underage drinking set for April 25

The Benton County Above the Influence Coalition is inviting community members to discuss drug use and underage drinking with law enforcement and substance abuse professionals. The discussion will take place from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Monday, April 25, in the Virginia Gay Hospital cafeteria. Specific topics will include the impact of drug use on our community, why underage drinking remains a major concern, what steps area leaders are taking to address those issues and how individuals can become involved.

April WOW Newsletter

The April WOW newsletter which highlights legumes and pulses, a recipe for lentil tacos, food safety protection in Iowa, and how to overcome the top barrier for engaging in physical activity, can be seen HERE.

Workshop to focus on treating anxious children, May 16

A free workshop, entitled, "Effective Strategies for Treating the Angry, the Anxious and the Depressed Child." will take place May 16. Participants will learn about four different topics: Fight or Flight—participants will learn about this hardwired response, what causes it, why it can be problematic and what role it plays in anxiety and anger.

Free training session to focus on impact of domestic abuse on children

A local training session concerning the impact of domestic violence on children will provide an overview of domestic violence dynamics including the definition of domestic violence, as well as a discussion of some myths and facts, causes of domestic violence and batterer tactics. The training will focus on how domestic violence affects children who live with it along with how to support children and survivors that live or have lived with domestic violence.

Spring Break Safety: Activities can Bring Danger, Increased Risk

After a long winter, especially an Iowa winter, there is nothing more refreshing than warm temperatures, sunshine, and fresh clean air. Add to that time off, and you have a combination that can’t be beat. For many high school and college students, this describes Spring Break. It’s a time to refresh, unwind, and relax before the stress of school returns.

Virginia Gay and the approval of private mangement of Iowa's Medicaid system

Mike Riege, Virginia Gay Hospital and Clinics Administrator Despite assurances by the Iowa Medicaid Director that she was "very confident" Iowa would be ready to implement Medicaid privatization as early as Jan. 1, 2016, the process has again been delayed by the Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) until April 1. This time the waiver to proceed was granted and soon private companies will manage all services and payments for nearly 560,000 Medicaid patients in Iowa.

Facts about Iowa's first lab-confirmed case of travel-associated Zika virus

The Iowa Department of Public Health has announced the first lab-confirmed case of travel-associated Zika virus in Iowa. This case is a reminder that travelers to areas of ongoing Zika transmission should take strict precautions to prevent mosquito bites. The general public is not at risk of contracting this virus, so it doesn’t matter where in the state the individual resides.

IMPORTANT - Inspect car seat straps where you can't easily see them

close-up of damaged car seat strap A toddler (who shall remain nameless) of a Virginia Gay employee is still struggling to learn the basics of bladder control – like not getting in the car for a long ride after refusing to visit the bathroom first. He had an “accident” in the car seat which led to its disassembly in an effort to clean the fabric. Imagine the surprise at discovering that the part of a strap normally hidden from view was badly frayed and actually cut on one place.

March WOW Newsletter

The March WOW newsletter includes information on the recently released 2015 Dietary Guidelines, a recipe for fish sandwiches, considerations for leftovers,  food safety and physical activity guidelines. Click to view!